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Rodrigues' formula

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In mathematics, Rodrigues' formula (formerly called the Ivory–Jacobi formula) generates the Legendre polynomials. It was independently introduced by Olinde Rodrigues (1816), Sir James Ivory (1824) and Carl Gustav Jacobi (1827). The name "Rodrigues formula" was introduced by Heine in 1878, after Hermite pointed out in 1865 that Rodrigues was the first to discover it. The term is also used to describe similar formulas for other orthogonal polynomials. Askey (2005) describes the history of the Rodrigues formula in detail.



Let be a sequence of orthogonal polynomials on the interval with respect to weight function . That is, they have degrees , satisfy the orthogonality condition where are nonzero constants depending on , and is the Kronecker delta. The interval may be infinite in one or both ends.

Rodrigues' type formulaIf where is a polynomial with degree at most 1 and is a polynomial with degree at most 2, and for any .

Then, if for all , then for some constants .


Let , then for all for some polynomials , such that . Proven by induction on :

Let . We have shown that is a polynomial of degree . With integration by parts, we have for all , since . Thus, make up an orthogonal polynomial series with respect to . Thus, for some constants .

Differential equation


When , it is trivial. When , it simplifies to , which is true since . So assume . Define , then by direct computation and simplification, the equation to be proven is equivalent to

By Leibniz differentiation rule, we have

for arbitrary . This allows us to move to the other side of the -th derivative. Set , and define

Then the equation simplifies to

has three terms, call them in order . has two terms, call them in order .


That . follows from first writing as

and then taking the innermost first derivative to obtain

and then rewriting this as

The first term is the negative of and the second term is the negative of .

More abstractly, this can be viewed through Sturm–Liouville theory. Define an operator , then the differential equation is equivalent to . Define the functional space as the Hilbert space of functions over , such that . Then the operator is self-adjoint on functions satisfying certain boundary conditions, allowing us to apply the spectral theorem.

Generating function


A simple argument using Cauchy's integral formula shows that the orthogonal polynomials obtained from the Rodrigues formula have a generating function of the form

The functions here may not have the standard normalizations. But we can write this equivalently as

where the are chosen according to the application so as to give the desired normalizations. The variable u may be replaced by a constant multiple of u so that

This gives an alternate form of the generating function.

By Cauchy's integral formula, Rodrigues’ formula is equivalent towhere the integral is along a counterclockwise closed loop around . Let

Then the complex path integral takes the form

where now the closed path C encircles the origin. In the equation for , is an implicit function of . Expanding in the power series given earlier gives

Only the term has a nonzero residue, which is . The coefficient was dropped since normalizations are conventions which can be inserted afterwards as discussed earlier.

By expressing t in terms of u in the general formula just given for , explicit formulas for may be found. As a simple example, let and (Hermite polynomials) so that , , and so .


Chebyshev (of the first kind)
Chebyshev (of the second kind)
associated Laguerre
physicist's Hermite

Similar formulae hold for many other sequences of orthogonal functions arising from Sturm–Liouville equations, and these are also called the Rodrigues formula (or Rodrigues' type formula), especially when the resulting sequence is polynomial.



Rodrigues stated his formula for Legendre polynomials : For Legendre polynomials, the generating function is defined as .

The contour integral gives the Schläfli integral[1] for Legendre polynomials: Summing up the integrand,where . For small , we have , which heuristically suggests that the integral should be the residue around , thus giving



Physicist's Hermite polynomials:

The generating function is defined asThe contour integral gives



For associated Laguerre polynomials,

The generating function is defined asBy the same method, we have .



where , and the branch of square root is chosen so that .


  1. ^ Schläfli, Ludwig (1881), "Über die zwei Heineschen Kugelfunktionen mit beliebigem Parameter und ihre ausnahmslose Darstellung durch bestimmte Integrale", Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, Basel: Springer Basel, pp. 317–392, ISBN 978-3-0348-4044-6